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Adelaide United footballer Josh Cavallo’s demand for redress after receiving anti-LGBTQ verbal abuse from Melbourne fans gets the full-throated support of team CEO Nathan Kosmina.
Long-time Black activist Andrea Jenkins of Minneapolis, Minnesota is unanimously elected the first trans City Council President in the United States (featuring a 2014 interview with KFAI-Twin Cities “Fresh Fruit’s” Dixie Treichel, and Jenkins’s 2020 comments on the murder of George Floyd).
“Pose” star MJ Rodriguez celebrates her Best Actress in a TV Drama Golden Globe — a first for a trans woman.
And in NewsWrap: Greece and France accept blood from queer male donors, Poland proposes censoring “immoral” education, Orban ties Hungary’s anti-queer vote to re-election bid, Germany appoints commissioner for sexual and gender diversity, South Korean court denies queer spousal health benefits, Sydney’s gay Gentoo pair models perfect penguin parenting, and more international LGBTQ news reported this week by Elena Botkin-Levy and Wenzel Jones (produced by Brian DeShazor).
All this on the January 17, 2022 edition of This Way Out!
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