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The Rainbow Remix, an all new show with hosts Denise Warner in London and singer JD Danner in South Florida. Plenty of good LGBTQ chat with entertaining guests and topics.
Jeff Adams and Will Knauss are husbands and authors who created the podcast for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. Each week they bring you exclusive author interviews, book recommendations and explore the latest in gay pop culture.
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A flashback to the Golden Age of Flower Power, with music primarily from the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and it’s dedicated to the vibe of that era – peace, love, and rock and roll, hosted by Ken and MJ Rundel.
The Q LGBTQ Creative Network Founder LGBTQ artists have historically hidden their sexuality for fear of nonacceptance from industry and fear of potentially sabotaging their careers. Queer artists have been regularly told not to come out, that the damage would be irreparable, and that they are unmarketable. But today, more and more, artists are entering into their fields as their true authentic selves, even though being an “out” artist could mean they are ignored, passed over, or met with negativity or hostility.