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The historic state Supreme Court hearings on California’s anti-marriage equality Proposition 8 ten years ago this week demonstrated the ability of the judiciary to change people’s lives on a dime (as reported in 2011 by Greg Gordon and Pacifica Radio’s Christopher Martinez).
OutCasting Overtime’s queer youth team shares thoughts about the objectification of women in the media, and its particular impact on lesbian and bisexual women — from hypersexualization to “corrective rape.” (OutCaster Isha, produced by Marc Sophos).
And in NewsWrap: China’s government censors “girlie” men, Hong Kong political puppets flag Gay Games play, a Pakistani politician pulls down a BTS “promo homo” billboard, Australian lawmakers reject trans job protections, 20 U.S. states buck Biden’s pro-queer policy, and more international LGBTQ news reported this week by Melanie Keller and Michael LeBeau (produced by Brian DeShazor).
All this and more on the September 6, 2021 edition of This Way Out!
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