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Filmmaker-writer-activist Marlon Riggs challenged popular — even progressive — culture when his video documentary depicting Black gay men with their “Tongues Untied” was banned by television stations across the U.S. (interviewed by Joey Flyer and Mike Alcolay).
Lakhiyia means “home,” and Lakhiyia’s work in revolutionary creativity offers an opportunity for listeners to bring out their own “sermons you wish you’d heard,” like “Duckwalk to Freedom” — and you can participate @lakhiyia on Instagram, HOMEplxce.com and thiswayout.org! (interviewed by Lucia Chappelle).
And in NewsWrap: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declares 2025 “The Year of the Family” that doesn’t include queers, more U.S.-based trans-national companies are obeying in advance to restrict or totally abandon workplace diversity programs, the Boards of Apple and Costco are bucking the anti-DEI trend, U.S. federal protections from bias in education based on sexual orientation or gender identity are struck down by a federal court in Kentucky, a bill that denies federal funding to schools that allow transgender students to compete in girls’ and women’s sports was passed by the U.S. House, and more international LGBTQ+ news reported this week by Sarah Montague and Marcos Najera (produced by Brian DeShazor).
All this on the January 20, 2025 edition of This Way Out!
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