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Topics covered on this episode: VPL Research, betacucks, Jesse Williams’ dick, Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson sex tape, VR porn, the “plot” of gay VR porn, treatment for gender dysphoria, Metaverse, the pros (and cons) of virtual reality for the LGBTQ+ community, Google’s virtual Pride #PrideForEveryone, World of Warcraft, whether Jamiroquai is the QAnon Shaman, the ethics of fucking virtual likenesses.
In this episode: News- 5:13 || Main Topic (Virtual Reality)- 17:51 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:24:00
Our first Momsplaining episode with Ma Johnson is coming out later this month, so join at the $5+/mo level to get access! Join at patreon.com/gayishpodcast.