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In this surprisingly deep episode, we talk about the stories of queer farmers, sustainable farming, lesbian farmers, why there’s no farming gayta, and how to date as a farmer.
In this episode: News- 1:13 || Main Topic (Farming)- 13:04 || Gayest & Straightest- 1:12:03
We’re doing a 6-city live show tour! This year, we’ll be going to New York City, Seattle, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Houston. See the tour dates and buy tickets at http://www.gayishpodcast.com/live.
On the weekly bonus Patreon segment, we talk about why farming apps like Stardew Valley are addictive and whether they’re targeted to gay people. Get bonus audio, video, and other great benefits by joining our Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/gayishpodcast.
Full episode transcript: https://www.gayishpodcast.com/gayish-328-farming/